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Arm Blaster

$33.99 USD $35.99

Get arms like Arnold with the aluminum Arm Blaster!

Product Features

  • Unmatched Bicep Targeting

    Unlike regular curls, where there's a release of tension at the top and bottom of the movement, this maximizes the progressive overload and will force your biceps to grow-not to mention the serious PUMP you'll get after.

  • Ensures Proper Form

    When training an ego muscle, you may find yourself tempted to cheat by weightlifting your curls, the arm blaster prevents that and ensures proper form and maximum growth. Feel the burn in your biceps, not your back!

  • Durable Build

    Ultra-thick 5mm aluminum with a heavy-duty strap will keep you curling for the long haul. In theory-we're pretty sure your arms will give out LONG before the Arm Blaster. They'll look great, though!

Product Details

The best tool for pumping iron, the Arm Blaster maintains consistent tension through the entire range of motion while curling, giving you the most from every rep.

The positioning forces proper form, so you can't cheat your reps (it works great on tricep pushdowns, too!), while the durable aluminum build will last much longer than you. Feel the burn, embrace the pump, and build those pythons.

WARNING: Bells of Steel is not responsible for any shirt sleeves you accidentally rip with your massive arms. Not for use in squat rack.


Bells of Steel

Arm Blaster

$33.99 USD $35.99

The best tool for pumping iron, the Arm Blaster maintains consistent tension through the entire range of motion while curling, giving you the most from every rep.

The positioning forces proper form, so you can't cheat your reps (it works great on tricep pushdowns, too!), while the durable aluminum build will last much longer than you. Feel the burn, embrace the pump, and build those pythons.

WARNING: Bells of Steel is not responsible for any shirt sleeves you accidentally rip with your massive arms. Not for use in squat rack.

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