Is Swiss Bar Bench Press Harder than Regular Bench Press?

Is Swiss Bar Bench Press Harder than Regular Bench Press?

Hey there, muscle mates! Are you tired of bench pressing the same ol' boring way? If so, you might have heard about the Swiss bar bench press, and you're probably wondering if it's tougher than the good old regular bench press. Fear not, dear fitness enthusiasts, I'm here to give you the lowdown.

Here’s everything you need to know about the Swiss bar bench press. Before we dive into the Swiss bar bench press, let's get one thing straight — it's not made of cheese! You get enough cheese with the jokes we tell. Just kidding. We’re grate. 🧀

The Swiss bar bench press is an exercise that involves using a barbell that has multiple handles in various positions, like the Arch Nemesis Swiss Bar. With the Swiss bar, you can switch up your grip and do bench presses with a neutral grip (palms facing each other), which can be easier on your shoulders and elbows compared to the traditional overhand grip.

Now for the million-dollar question - is the Swiss bar bench press harder than the regular bench press? The answer is... drumroll, please... It depends!

On one hand, the neutral grip of the Swiss bar can make it feel like a walk in the park for some people, as it takes the pressure off of your shoulders and elbows. But hold on a sec, the Swiss bar also lets you choose from a variety of grip widths and angles, which can make it more challenging than the regular bench press — like a walk in Jurassic Park.

The Swiss bar can make your stabilizer muscles work overtime, as the handles may shift slightly during the movement. Sure, this can make the exercise feel like you're pulling your hair out, but it can also help you improve your overall strength and stability.

Aside from the potential for a new challenge, the Swiss bar bench press also has several benefits over the regular bench press. As mentioned, the neutral grip can be easier on your shoulders and elbows, making it a perfect choice for people with joint pain or mobility issues.

The Swiss bar also lets you choose from a wide range of grip positions, which can target different muscles in your chest, shoulders, and triceps. By switching up your grip width and angle, you can work on different aspects of your strength and build a more well-rounded physique. Who doesn't love that?

If you wanna build a chest that could stop traffic, the cambered design is a big plus. Not only does its fancy curve look cool as heck, but it also lets you go deeper and push further, giving you a longer range of motion. And we all know that more range of motion means more gains, right?

It’s also worth mentioning that the Bells of Steel Arch Nemesis Swiss Bar is carabiner compatible, so you can throw it on your Cable Machine for some back-burning low rows and lat-lashing pulldowns.

You and this bar together? Now, that’s a duo more iconic than Batman and the Joker.

If you're ready to take on the Swiss bar bench press, here are the steps to follow:

  1. Set up the Swiss bar on a bench press station or power rack with your desired handle width and angle facing towards you.
  2. Lie down on the bench with your feet on the ground and shoulder blades squeezed together. Grab the handles of the Swiss bar with a neutral grip.
  3. Unrack the bar and lower it towards your chest while keeping your elbows tucked in and your back flat on the bench.
  4. Push the bar back up to the starting position, focusing on keeping your core tight and shoulders stable.

Repeat for the desired number of reps and sets.So, is the Swiss bar bench press tougher than the regular bench press? The answer is not black and white, folks. While the neutral grip may make it feel like a piece of cake for some, the wider range of grip positions and increased need for stabilizer muscles can make it more challenging.

But hey, the only way to know for sure is to give it a shot, right?

Arch Nemesis Swiss Bar