Gymnastic Ring Exercises

Gymnastic Ring Exercises

Ready to add some spice to your workouts? Gymnastic rings are the ultimate full-body workout tool. Whether you're a total newbie or a seasoned ring-slinger, these bad boys will have you sweating in ways you didn’t know were possible. 

The best part? You can do it all in your living room or backyard! Let’s dive into 15 killer gymnastic ring exercises to help you build strength & flexibility.

The Top 15 Gymnastic Ring Exercises

1. Ring Push-Ups

Your classic push-up just got a glow-up. The instability of the rings forces your core and stabilizers to work overtime.


  1. Set the rings at waist height.
  2. Grab the rings and lean forward, body straight like a plank.
  3. Lower yourself slowly until your chest is between the rings.
  4. Push back up, keeping the rings stable.

Pro Tip: Pretend you're balancing a glass of water on your back. If it spills, you owe us a workout selfie!

2. Ring Dips

Want triceps that pop like fireworks? This is your go-to move.


  1. Set rings at chest height.
  2. Jump up and grab the rings, keeping your body straight.
  3. Lower yourself until your upper arms are parallel to the ground.
  4. Push back up to the starting position.

Warning: The first time doing these, you'll feel muscles you didn’t even know existed. Prepare for the burn.

3. Ring Rows

This is like a reverse push-up and a great move for your upper back.


  1. Set the rings at waist height.
  2. Lean back, gripping the rings with your body in a straight line.
  3. Pull your chest toward the rings.
  4. Slowly lower yourself back down.

Tip: The more you lean, the harder it gets. Start light—no one’s judging.

4. Ring L-Sit

This one’s a beast for your core and shoulders.


  1. Start by hanging from the rings.
  2. Lift your legs straight out in front of you, forming an “L” shape.
  3. Hold for as long as you can without screaming.

Pro Tip: Screaming is totally allowed. Just make sure the neighbors don’t call 911.

5. Ring Muscle-Ups

This is the holy grail of gymnastic ring exercises. It’s a pull-up and dip rolled into one glorious move.


  1. Hang from the rings.
  2. Pull yourself up, rotating your hands outward as your chest reaches the rings.
  3. Once above the rings, push your body up to lock out your arms.

Pro Tip: The first time you nail this, you’re officially a superhero.

6. Ring Bulgarian Split Squats

Who said rings were just for upper body? Challenge your legs with this split squat variation.


  1. Hang one foot in a ring behind you.
  2. Step forward with the other foot.
  3. Lower your body into a squat, keeping your chest up.
  4. Push through the front heel to return to standing.

Bonus Points: You’ll feel this in your glutes for days. You’re welcome.

7. Ring Flyes

Forget expensive gym machines—rings are your new chest fly machine.


  1. Set the rings at chest height.
  2. Stand between the rings and grab them with both hands.
  3. Slowly extend your arms out wide, keeping a slight bend in your elbows.
  4. Bring the rings back together as you press back to the starting position.

Note: Keep your abs tight so you don’t end up in a nose dive!

8. Ring Archer Push-Ups

Time to step up your push-up game. The Archer Push-Up is a unilateral movement that strengthens each side individually.


  1. Start in a push-up position, but extend one arm out to the side.
  2. Lower your body toward the ring with your bent arm, keeping the extended arm straight.
  3. Push back up and repeat on the other side.

Fun Fact: You’ll feel like you’re pulling back a bow, Robin Hood-style.

9. Ring Pull-Ups

Simple, but oh so effective. This move targets your lats, biceps, and grip strength.


  1. Hang from the rings with your palms facing away.
  2. Pull your chin over the rings, keeping your core tight.
  3. Lower back down with control.

Tip: If this feels too easy, you’re either a wizard or need to add some weight.

10. Chest-to-Ring Pull-Ups

Take your pull-up game up a notch with this chest-to-ring variation.


  1. Hang from the rings with palms facing away.
  2. Pull your body up until your chest touches the rings.
  3. Lower back down.

Warning: Your upper body is about to get swole.

11. Ring Tucks

Another core crusher to get those abs popping!


  1. Hang from the rings.
  2. Tuck your knees up toward your chest, keeping your body in a ball.
  3. Slowly lower your legs back down.

Pro Tip: If your abs don’t scream after this, they’re probably on vacation.

12. Ring Pike Push-Ups

Need to work on those shoulders? The Pike Push-Up is your friend.


  1. Get into a downward dog position with your hands gripping the rings.
  2. Lower the top of your head toward the ground.
  3. Push back up, keeping your body in a V-shape.

Fun Fact: You’ll be walking on your hands in no time!

13. Ring Front Lever

This one’s all about core strength and body control. It’s harder than it looks!


  1. Hang from the rings.
  2. Lift your body until you’re parallel to the ground, legs straight out in front.
  3. Hold for as long as possible.

Warning: Gravity isn’t your friend here.

14. Ring Superman Push-Ups

Take your regular push-up and give it wings. This move works your chest, shoulders, and core.


  1. Start in a push-up position with your hands gripping the rings.
  2. Lower yourself down, extending your arms out in front like you’re flying.
  3. Push back to the starting position.

Fun Fact: You’ll feel like you’re ready to leap tall buildings in a single bound.

15. Ring Plank

A simple plank on the floor is tough. A plank on the rings? Next-level core control.


  1. Set the rings just above the ground.
  2. Place your hands on the rings in a push-up position.
  3. Hold your body in a straight line for as long as you can.

Pro Tip: Don’t forget to breathe—you’ll need it!

Final Thoughts 

Gymnastic rings aren’t just for Olympic athletes—they’re for anyone looking to build strength, flexibility, and coordination. From beginner to advanced, these 15 exercises will challenge your body in ways you never thought possible. And the best part? You can do it all without a gym membership! Ready to take your workout to new heights? Grab some rings and get swinging.

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